

This API is used to get parameter for AI > Setup > Cross Counting page.

Request Message

Table 1

“IP_CH1”…” IP_CH1x”
The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the device.
string arrayEach array bit represents a channel with a string.
DVR/NVR need;
IPC only use CH1
stringThe data used to distinguish whether it is a channel configuration page or an alarm configuration page


POST API/AI/Setup/CrossCount/Get HTTP/1.1
    "version": "1.0",
    "data": {"page_type": "ChannelConfig"}

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 2

channel_infoJSON objectSingle Channel Information JSON show as follow Table Table 3
stringIt is used to distinguish whether it is the data of the channel configuration page or the alarm configuration page, it is only required when setting
channel_maxintMaximum number of channels

Table 3

CH1Json ObjectJSON show as follow Table Table 4
Json Object
IP_CH1Json Object
Json Object
WIFI_CH1Json Object
Json Object

Table 4

Parameter Range Type Description
status "Offline","Online",“Nonsupport” string Channel online status, only for digital channels.
Note: When the channel is online, there is no such field
alarm_out “Local->1”…
” IP_CHx->1”
” IP_CHx->2”
The number of channels depends on the capabilities of the device.
array Alarm output channel
Each array bit represents alarm output channel with a string.
Local->1:open,empty value: close
latch_time "10","20","40","60" string Alarm output time Ipc value 5 10 20 30
record_enable true, false bool Record channel switch
record_channel “CH1”…”CH1x”
array Alarm output channel
Channel alarm linkage switch.
post_recording "30","60","120","300" string Video delay time, Ipc value 0 5 10 20 30
send_email true, false bool Send Email switch
ftp_picture_upload true, false bool Channel capture FTP upload switch (NVR dedicated)
ftp_video_upload true, false bool Channel video FTP upload switch (NVR dedicated)
picture_to_cloud true, false bool Picture upload switch (NVR dedicated)
video_to_cloud true, false bool Video cloud upload switch (NVR dedicated)
full_screen bool FullScreen switch (NVR dedicated)
buzzer "0","10","20","40","60" string Buzzer sounding time (NVR dedicated)
show_message bool Show Message switch (NVR dedicated)
switch true, false bool Switch, false: close true: open
type "Motion"
string Rule type:0-motion 1- Person 2 veichle (Normal detection type)
"Motor Vehicle"
"Non-motorized Vehicle"
string Detection type, human figure, motor vehicle, non-motor vehicle (machine is not human type)
detection_type “Pedestrian”
"Motor Vehicle"
"Non-motorized Vehicle"
array Detection type, human figure, motor vehicle, non-motor vehicle (machine is not human type)
alarm_num 1 - 255 int The number of alarms, if the number exceeds the number, an alarm will be issued
start_time string Effective start time
end_time string Effective end time
reset_count true, false bool true:clear the analysis data of passing line statistics
sensitivity 1-4 int Detection sensitivity
rule_info Object Information JSON show as follow TableTable 5
ptz_operation_support bool Ball machine use supports ptz operation
schedule_enable bool Schedule mode
iva_lines 0unlined1cross int Preview and play back whether lines will appear
light_linkage bool White light linkage alarm
enforcerlight_linkage bool Red and blue indicator linkage alarm
siren_linkage bool Alarm sound linkage alarm
http_listening bool http event push
default_timeout bool Session timeout(range use)
schedule Object The following table is displayed, as shown in the following Table 10
scene Indoor、Outdoor string scene

Table 5

rule_number1ObjectRule number 1,information JSON show as follow Table Table 6

Table 6

rule_switchboolRule switch
stringRule direction
rule_lineObjectRectangle,information JSON show as follow Table Table 7
rule_rectObjectRectangle,information JSON show as follow Table Table 8

Table 7

x10-704shortx1 coordinate points
y10-576shorty1 coordinate points
x20-704shortx2 coordinate points
y20-576shorty2 coordinate points

Table 8

x10-704shortx1 coordinate points(x-coordinate of the left vertex)
y10-576shorty1 coordinate points(y-coordinate of the left vertex)
x20-704shortx2 coordinate points(x-coordinate of the right vertex)
y20-576shorty2 coordinate points(y-coordinate of the right vertex)
X30-704shortX3 coordinate points(x-axis coordinate of the left bottom point)
Y30-576shortY3 coordinate points(x-axis coordinate of the left bottom point)
X40-704shortX4 coordinate points(x-axis coordinate of the right bottom point)
Y40-576shortY4 coordinate points(x-axis coordinate of the right bottom point)

Table 9

cloud_video_is_used0~MAX_PARA_CHN_NUMarrayThe channel number for which the cloud video upload function has been enabled
max_cloud_video_upload_numMAX_CLOUD_VIDEO_RECORD_NUMintThe maximum number of channels supported by cloud video upload

Table 10

stringSchedule type
weekObejctWeekly information is shown in the table Table 11

Table 11



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "success",
    "data": {"channel_info": {"CH1": {
        "status": "Online",
        "switch": false,
        "sensitivity": 2,
        "alarm_num": 1,
        "type": "Pedestrian",
        "reset_count": false,
        "start_time": "00:00:00",
        "end_time": "23:59:59",
        "rule_info": {"rule_number1": {
            "rule_type": "A->B",
            "rule_switch": false,
            "rule_line": {
                "x1": 0,
                "y1": 0,
                "x2": 0,
                "y2": 0
            "rule_rect": {
                "x1": 0,
                "y1": 0,
                "x2": 0,
                "y2": 0,
                "x3": 0,
                "y3": 0,
                "x4": 0,
                "y4": 0

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.